
14 March, 2006

You've All Made Me Feel...

... like a natural blogger... (Celine is in the background tearing up her lungs...)

Thank you all who have left lovely lovely comments. It's been a real boost knowing that someone might stumble across this little Monkey Realm where I reign supreme. It's the cyber-version of throwing Cyber-Nuts to the Marmoset when it has been posted: DO NOT VISIT, MARMOSET DISSERTATING.

I've been holed up in the library trying to figure out where the neuron connects to the synapse, and the synapse connects to the axon, and the blah blah blah connects to the...


I wish Ikea made a manual to life.

Connect your life marked 'RUBBISH' to the inlet marked 'DEBTS' and insert part marked 'sh1tt4BANK' in outlet to drain out the container that was fitted on in part 2 marked 'ASSETS'.

And the Emergency number will ask you to dial FUCK-OFF for the 24-nothing helpline.


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