
14 February, 2006

Happy Commercial Bollocks...

... to everyone.

Today is Saint Valentine's Day, which is a celebration of love and passion. I am currently sat at a computer, temping on reception and playing a game which involves shooting little hearts and boxes of chocolates using Cupid's bow. That is the extent of of my Valentine's spirit. I am extremely disheartened by the complete and utter commercialism that has become this sacred day of love.

I popped into Tesco's to buy a sandwich earlier on. Normally I wouldn't bother with Tesco's because I don't like them as they represent the total evil that is capitalism in the supermarket trade, slashing down prices at the expense of the poor farmers and creating a price and product war that is crippling the economies of third-world countries. But they had sandwiches for 99p. And I'm on a tight budget. A VERY tight budget.

Anyway, while queueing at the checkout I noticed that on the way to the till there were lots of red boxes of chocolates and roses and even pink Valentine's socks on display, lewdly prostituting themselves to the poor harassed shoppers, with fat cherubs with 'come hither' looks, declaring true love through the medium of caramel centres and whispering sweet nothings with baby's breath (which is wonderfully 80's).

And I suddenly felt very ill.

Perhaps it was all that red that my retinas suddenly felt assaulted and made me feel dizzy, or perhaps it was the mere fact that all the saccharine sweetness had permeated my steely, unloving defence and Cupid had out of malice shot me an arrow laced with ill-feelings to tell me'you will love, damn you'.

And so I texted Other Half with the following message: Happy Commercial Bollocks to you.

And he responded by saying that he was going to take the presents back.

Damn. I like presents.

PS: My home broadband system is down and as a result haven't been able to post. I'm hoping that Telewest sort it out v soon.

PPS: My muse and inspiration is now a grandmother. Its all feeling very Mrs. Robinson in a weird way, but I am very happy for her...


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