
03 February, 2006

One Thing The French Did Right...

...was to encourage to use of suppositories.

Well, I don't normally think of using them as on this soil sticking things in your bum when things are supposed to come out is a definite no-no, unless otherwise stated, like taking temperature (for babies) and, well, you know...

Anyway, after all the coughing and spluttering and generally feeling like some wild beast has shat in my mouth along with my limbs being heavy and joints aching more than the Tin Man's, I was rummaging through my medicine box (which is essentially a shoebox with loads of stuff) and I'm surprised at the amount and the variation of things I have in there. Antibiotics with Arabic instructions from Egypt when I had food poisoning, Codeine from Copenhagen, Imodium from Indonesia, Calpol (it was all that was available) from China, and various other bits.

Oh, and a Suppository from La Pharmacie sur Seine.

So, my mum rang and after whinging for a bit to her about how crap I felt she asked me if I had any suppositories. So I checked, and I found one. Now my mum used to be a nurse and swears by them, so I decided to try it out.

Now I feel amazing. All the aches have diminished (not quite completely gone) and my head is clearer.

I'm going to stock up next time I'm in France, along with wine, cheese and garlic.

All known to be Very Good For You...


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