
25 January, 2006

Once Again...

... I have drifted from the Blog.

Not so much for my lack of trying, but since I finished work on Friday things have been so hectic. I thought that I'd have a load of time to do all the things that I want to do as well as those that I need to. So after the requisite drinks at work and the saying farewells et al, I found myself spirited onto another party then I had to go home and pack for the weekend in Birmingham.

The trip 'oop norf' was really quite fun. Imagine 4 gay men in a car, bombing up the M40 singing along to Madonna's new album (well, not much singing really) and then making a few call-of-nature stops and it was a right laugh. After the sights (lots of Lesbians) and sounds (disco music) we all got back into London the following day under the fug of a hangover which had to be remedied with lager and more cigarettes.

Monday came and passed in a daze, primarily from Food Poisoning that was induced by a Very Smart Choice of having seafood colcannon in an Irish pub, in Mosely, in Birmingham. Not a bad part of town, but under the glare of the harsh light and the throb of a hangover, it looked grey and dull and quite menacing with boarded up windows and slicks of vomit and dog-shit on the side walks. Not to unlike the less salubrious parts of Camden, mind.

Anyway, I've done all my laundry, colour coded my wardrobe, paired my socks and Joined the Gym. As a result my mind is all tired from the colour-coordination and muscles aching from the gym. And I have no energy to do anything else...

Oh, and I have 2 essays due in next week.

I Need Motivation...


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