
29 December, 2005

Brass monkeys...

... out there.

I am now in possession of a very nice grey scarf. It's long and soft, 70% lambswool and 20% angorra. The remaining 10% is nylon, which is supposed to hold it together because the lambswool and the angorra do not see eye to eye and keep trying to unravel themselves. As a result 15% of my lovely new scarf has been deposited on my jacket, the office chair, various London Transport buses, and in and around my flat. I think I have even managed to inhale some of it, which might attribute to the wooly feeling in my head.

Christmas was a lovely affair. It always is a bit unnerving when you're at a loose end and not really knowing what to expect when everyone else is with respective partners and family et al. In a way it is nice to have some solitary time to reflect and generally get to know yourself again, but I find that after 3 hours on my own I'd better get some human interaction in before I go insane and my personalities get the better of me.

In the end I spent it with two of my friends. Both girls, both Chinese, both Australian. We had the best girly time. Ever. TV was on almost all the time. Watched Baz Luhrmann's Red Curtain Trilogy (Strictly Ballroom, some Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge), The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music (three times) and lots of other movies that I can't quite remember.

Food was in abundance as well as drink. The one good thing was that in between we all had mugs of Chinese tea to aid digestion, and lots of fresh fruit smoothies (with vodka).

At the end of the festivities my jeans tore, and Sew, I have to go running, a long long way, and very very Far. Lots of Tea, but no Jam or Bread (carbs, dahling...)

Tomorrow I am venturing into the North. I am hoping it will be nice and I am expecting another few days of wild debauchery. Seriously, all we ever do is drink to get through this life.

If I am not back by Sunday evening, send for Captain Glam...


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