
16 December, 2005

Green Crisps

I'm never sure if Green Crisps are consumable. My old flatmate once told me that if you eat green potatoes you die, and since crisps are essentially dried, fried potatoes would you die if you ate green crisps?

Firstly, I must apologise for the previous blog. It was my first and in order to muster up the courage to start to plaster information from my life onto the web I had a few drinks with my flatmate for Dutch Courage.

As it turned out, the amount we drank could only be described as copious. And so I launched into the world of blogging by sounding like an absolute twat.

Although I still attribute this experiment to Debbie. And when I finally get round to emailing her to tell her about it I hope I'm sober. After my first post I thought I'd email her and it bounced back, thank goodness too because it was the biggest pile of w*nk that I've ever written.

And so on the way into work this morning I was wondering what could I write about? My life seems pretty bland but then there are some bit which are quite amusing and some which are quite annoying. From time to time there will be lots of rants about the general cleanliness of my flatmates and personal hygiene issues which I have to tolerate (their PH, not mine)

Actually, I feel that I am just starting getting excited about blogging when my oh so supportive bf tells me that its going out of fashion.

I always end up being the last to catch up in technology.

Oh, and today I got another email from The Fish Society asking me to buy smoked haddock, salmon, clams, oysters and sea urchins... Aren't they like, so late 80's?


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