
25 March, 2006

When Other Half Is Sleeping...

... this Little Monkey will blog.

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who's happened upon this little Satellite of the Apes.

I'm not as young as most would think, what with uni coming to an end and me rubbing my hands in anticipation of being Marmoset, BSc, rather than Marmoset, Status Pending.

I once worked in the vagueness known as Media. I was a Media-Monkey. They played the jingles (in this case, my boss's raspy American voice, and I danced the Mhar-Moh-Shet) and I made Non-Fairtrade Coffee and took minutes (although it seemed like years)

Then they threw me the not-so-golden Banana and asked me to leave because they only had half a pack of Dry Salted left, and the zookeepers needed that to keep sane in order to discuss banana rations.

Then I became a Trader.

More specifically, Mary had a little lamb, well make that fleece.

So, Mary Ching technically had a little lamb, but then she decided that the lamb would feed her family nicely, and she decided the fleece needed to be tanned, dyed and fixed. So not only could her family eat well, but after that they could bed down sleep well too.

I'm not proud of what I've done, but it is NOT Silence of the Lambs.

*cue Hannibal*


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