
19 May, 2006

Lederhosen, Gruyere, Yodelling...

... and all things Swiss related.

OH went for an interview yesterday. More specifically, he went to Geneva for an interview. It was conducted in 2 stages, and after receiving a panicky text message from him I rang him to calm him down and to assure him that things are all well and that he just needed to rest before the next round, given that he'd just got off a plane.

Anyway, all went well and while I'm here hammering away at applications and the weather being generally shite, he's sat in the sun by Lake Geneva and having a beer and a steak to celebrate the fact that the interview went very well. I'm all excited about it because it means that I get to say 'So sorry I cannot make Tabitha's birthday this weekend dahling, I'm in Geneva.'. Also, it means that if a bloody war were to break out I'd escape there, not by flying, obviously, but more along the lines of wearing lederhosen and walking through the Alps like the Von Trapp family, singing happy songs like 'My Least Favourite Things'

Now that exams are over, everyone is facing the final hurdle of the Viva. This, ironically, is not viva as in live, its more like an opportunity to rip you to shreds over your dissertation that you have hammered out. It's not very pleasant, but its got to be done. Quite frankly I'm bricking it, or as one who is oh so refined would say 'I'm shitting it, dear'. The main reason for this is that I have, in my inifinite wisdom, proposed another hypothesis as to how a particular cellular mechanism works, and while the hypothesis itself sounds impressive and has lots of theoretical data, it means that I've got to plough through all those journals again, and quite frankly, I can't be arsed.

So, in order to waste yet more time I've been looking up symptoms and diagnoses of this rash problem I have, while counting the days until I get to see a dermatologist (12 days to go). One website suggested that if it were parasite based then the ink test should be applied to ascertain the location of said parasite, due to the ink penetrating the chitin exoskeleton of said parasite and making it visible.

I'm sure by now, dear reader, you have some to the knowledge that Monkey here does ALL sorts or random stuff, and this is no exception. Like all other things that Monkey gets up to, there is a certain amount or hesitation and trepidation that is quickly battled into submission by the introduction of dear Madam Gin and her relatives, The Alcohols. So, being wonderfully drunk last night, I proceeded to dab ink on to my forearms in the location of the rashes. However, being drunk also means not being focused, and as a result after trying to remove permanent ink marker by dousing myself in Clinique 2 1/2 Scruffing Lotion, the ink has busged slightly, but I look like I have raised veins...

OH is going to come back this evening to a secret Non-Heroin-But-Ink-Marked boyfriend.

I'm sensing he's going to need counselling soon.


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